
TechStyle Fashion Group
(2020 - Present)

👨‍💻 Software Developer

Dev Partners
(2020 - Present)

👨‍💻 Software Developer

Soko Labs
(2019 - 2020)

👨‍💻 NodeJs Developer

Working on a public Inventory App built with NuxtJs, ExpressJS, NodeJs, MySQL, GraphQL, and PrismaJS.

Worked on the following:

  • Accomplished Shopify, Woocommerce and Shopify Billing Integrations.
  • Accomplished migration from Prisma V1 to Prisma V2.
  • Responsible for CI/CD deployment using Gitlab CI/CD and Google App Engine.
  • Responsible of encryption and the decryption of sensitive keys using Google Cloud Key Management Service.
  • Created a Singer IO Tap that pulls raw data from Apparel Magic that can be piped to any Singer IO targets. Used Python3 and Google Cloud Compute Engine.
  • Finished an external project that creates an invoice for Apparel Magic when Shopify fulfills an order. Used Webhook, Google Cloud Functions, ExpressJS, NodeJs, and Axios.

Maddington Consulting Inc.
(2017 - 2019)

👨‍💻 Web Developer

Worked on the following:

  • Performed conversion of Figma design files to ReactJs Components.
  • Created an In-house Document Signing app using ReactJs, NodeJs, ExpressJS, Axios for ajax request, TailwindCSS, Material-UI, MomentJS, MongoDB, PassportJs, JWT, Mocha, and Char for testing.
  • Accomplished Vacation Rental app's frontend using ReactJS and MomentJS.
  • Accomplished Rental app services and checkout page using ReactJS, Webpack, MomentJS, Bootstrap, Axios, Redux, and React Router.

Paramount Life & General Insurance Corp.
(2014 - 2017)

👨‍💻 Software Engineer

Worked on the following:

  • Maintained a public Ruby on Rails website using Git for the repository, Heroku for hosting, and Amazon S3 for resource repository.
  • Created automated email deliveries service with attached prefilled Compulsory Third Party Liability (CTPL) forms.
  • Implemented Ruby on Rails testing framework using Rspec and Capybara.
© 2022, Built with, and Gatsby